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Perpetual Geometry is a film that represents two perspectives looking at the same information. This information or data changes from one mode or state to another in correlation how it is perceived. The information moves from a state of being new, exciting and colourful to a state of being old, consumed or used up and grey.

Both perspectives are in the pursuit of knowledge. One perspective is a quantitative observer, calculated and cold and the other: qualitative, full of feeling, attempting to learn through creative action. These two perspectives work in unison parallel to one another, within a perpetual system designed to consume and understand data. 

The film transfers from a state of confusion to one of clarity echoing the pursuit of knowledge or understanding.

Peter Halley

"Along with the geometrization of the landscape, there occurs the geometrization of thought. Specific reality is displaced by the primacy of the model. And the model is in turn imposed on the landscape, further displacing reality in a process of ever more complete circularity". 

The Deployment of the Geometric

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